If you have listened, watched, or read much in the past few weeks about America’s current political campaigns, you have heard repeated calls for Unity and a sense of hope. Additionally, Unity moves with the new vibration of spiritual light that is arriving. But what is unity? After reading this month’s article, I encourage each of you to consider and value Unity in your own life and personal development.
What is Unity?
There are many people hungry today for a vision of a world in which people do not hurt each other, in which anger and indifference no longer take the toll on human life and human pain that they presently do, and in which conflicts between people, groups, parties, cultures, and nations can be resolved peacefully, without recourse to violence, force, or denial of the right to respect that each human being must be accorded.
This vision of unity is awakening the hearts of people everywhere. It is a hunger for cooperation instead of enmity; for brotherhood instead of separation; for compassion instead of indifference; and for the perception of a world in which the human family includes all persons, no matter what their political, social, or sexual orientation, and no matter how reprehensible we feel their behavior to be.
For this vision to become real, the heart must find a way of remaining in a state of love and of extending compassion even to those with whom we disagree vehemently – even to those who are our adversaries, recognizing in their opposition the underlying causes of desperation, outrage, and helplessness, rather than evil. As our hearts become more expansive, we do not need to expand our acceptance of wrongdoing, for justice must still hold all people accountable for their actions, no matter how they feel. And individuals, while forgiven for their feelings, cannot be excused for their behavior where it impinges on others.