Today is the day to remember my greatest vision of myself, today is the day to rebirth myself with the Spring.
All the seasons have their teachings, but springtime is by far the most inspiring. In summer, we are active, hot, and fiery, it is the most passionate and energetic time of year. The autumn comes reminding us to gather our harvests, celebrate the abundance we have reaped, and prepare for the long nights ahead. The winter is our sacred time to rest, incubate, sleep, ponder life, and restore our inner strength. And then Spring, beauteous Spring, our greatest mirror and metaphor for the rebirth of life. This is the time of awakening, blossoming, and opening, the time for creativity, play, and pleasure; as the world is a flutter with flowers and color, the beauty of Spring inspires us towards our true potential, our ability to bloom and grow.
Like the seeds of a flower, we incubate during sleep, ready to blossom into fullness upon awakening. Every morning we awaken to a new day and a new way to think and act out our lives. In fact, every moment of every day, we have the freedom to choose who and what we want to be.
To re-create your life, to rebirth to the greatest aspects of yourself, you can begin by asking yourselves three basic questions.
These questions begin with “In my deepest heart”…..
1) Who am I?
2) What do I want?
3) Who do I want to be?
Written by Elizabeth Stahl