Spring is now unfolding in true perfection…in full bloom, with new life bursting forth every day. There is much going on around and within us as we emerge into the new.
Remember that this is still a period of rebirth and continual growth within our environment and within our spirits.
Continually monitor how you are feeling. You want to be feeling life flowing through you like a river rather than tensely holding on to life. You can tell by the way you feel if you are relaxed and flowing or if you are holding tension inside of you. Your feelings are always monitoring your thoughts for you. Your feelings tell you whether you are thinking thoughts that are good for you or thoughts that are bad for you. If you can become more and more conscious of how you are feeling, then you will become more and more aware of what kind of thoughts you are thinking. Your feelings are unceasingly telegraphing messages to you.
Listen to your own Being……..and think “positive”!
Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash