Did you know that statistics show that fewer than 20% of people out there actually love what they do for a living? If you are not part of that 20%, think about what it could mean to you to live a Life on Fire.
Janet Bray Atwood and Chris Atwood, authors of The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering your Life Purpose, advise that we are to “Follow your passions as they lead you to your destiny.”
Do you know what you are passionate about? Are you living your passion? During this time of transition, we are all encouraged to examine how we are moving throughout our lives and ask: “Am I engaged and growing or am I doing the safe thing and marking time?”
In order to create the kind of life that you want to live, I invite you to do three things:
- Watch an important movie on the importance of living your passion.
- Take the Passion Test, a simple yet powerful process that will help you discover the five things that matter most to you in your life.
- Begin to Live Your Passion
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash